
  • Spiraal onderwater gelaste pype vir die moderne industrie

    Spiraal onderwater gelaste pype vir die moderne industrie

    Across the vast landscape of modern industry, engineers and professionals are constantly looking for superior solutions to meet the diverse needs of infrastructure and transportation. Onder die vele beskikbare pypvervaardigingstegnologieë,spiraal onderwater boog gelaste pyp(SSAW) het na vore gekom as 'n betroubare en koste-effektiewe keuse. This blog aims to shed light on the significant benefits and challenges associated with this innovative pipe manufacturing technology.

  • Spiraalvormige pyp vir vuurpyplyne

    Spiraalvormige pyp vir vuurpyplyne

    Spiral welded pipes for fire protection pipes are an innovative and highly advantageous solution for a variety of applications requiring high quality steel pipes. Die produk kombineer moderne vervaardigingstegnologie met gevorderde materiale om uitstekende werkverrigting en betroubaarheid te lewer.

  • Spiraalsweis koolstofstaalpyp x60 SSAW -lynpyp

    Spiraalsweis koolstofstaalpyp x60 SSAW -lynpyp

    Welkom in die wêreld van spiraalvormige gelaste koolstofstaalpyp, 'n revolusionêre innovasie wat die wêreld van verandermetaalpyp sweiswerk. This product is precision engineered for unparalleled strength, durability and versatility. We are proud to present to you our range of spiral welded carbon steel pipes, which are carefully crafted by rolling low-carbon carbon structural steel into tube blanks at a certain spiral angle, and then welding the pipe seams.

  • API 5L lynpyp vir oliepypleidings

    API 5L lynpyp vir oliepypleidings

    Ons bekendstelling van ons nuutste produkAPI 5L lynpyp, a superior solution for oil and gas transmission pipelines. The pipe is designed to meet international standards, providing superior performance and reliability even in the most demanding environments. Gekombineer met die voortreflike gehalte van spiraalvormige pyp, sal ons produkte u verwagtinge oortref.

  • X52 SSAW -lynpyp vir gaslyn

    X52 SSAW -lynpyp vir gaslyn

    Welkom om ons te leesX52 SSAW -lynpyp Produk Inleiding. This high-strength, high-toughness steel pipe is designed to meet the demanding requirements of a variety of applications, including natural gas lines.

  • A252 Graad 3 Staalpyp vir rioollyne

    A252 Graad 3 Staalpyp vir rioollyne

    Bekendstelling van A252 Graad 3 -staalpyp: rewolusionerende rioollynkonstruksie

  • Spiraalvormige pyp vir gaspypleidings
  • hol-AfdelingsstruktuurpypeCangzhou Spiral Steel Pipes Group Co., Ltd. has been committed to becoming a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality steel pipes.

  • Ons spiraalvormige buise word met sorg vervaardig. Begin met staalstroke of rolplate, buig en vervorm ons hierdie materiale in sirkels. We then weld them together to form a strong pipe. By using different welding methods such as arc welding, we guarantee the best strength and durability of our products. Standaard staalgraad chemiese bestanddele (%) Tensile -eienskap Charpy (v Notch) Impaktoets C Mn PS Si Ander opbrengsterkte (MPA) Treksterkte (MPA) (L0 = 5.65 ...